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risk management and insurance
CONGRATULATIONS for taking an active interest in managing your risk and protecting your assets (including your greatest one - YOUR PEOPLE!).
Risk Management is the new buzz industry to be evolving this Century and unfortunately, it's a growth area not only in business and events operations but also in how we live and play out our private lives. The advent of terrorism on a mass scale in the modern western world on 11 September 2001 changed the way we live and 'do things' forever.
Fortunately, living and working with greater risk does not have to change our ultimate experience, particularly at events. Risk MANAGEMENT empowers us to minimise potential dangers and risks and manage those that may still actually occur.
The best action you can take for your events, now and in the future, is to take control of your risks and provide appropriate insurance and public liability coverage.
To find out more about assessing and managing your risk and getting the right insurance and public liability coverage, please email us right away!
Meeting Innovation - Founding Member of the Australasian Network of Meeting Specialists
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